2.6 Quality assurance
Local volunteer services in the network “Volontiram!” define and use volunteer management systems aiming to establish quality standards for volunteering. These local volunteer services provide support and training on volunteer management quality standards to interested CSOs and other non-profit parties interested to engage volunteers, or which already actively include volunteers in their work.
Some CSOs through their internal rules and procedures define principles and quality standards related to engagement and work with volunteers. There is no empirical data that can illustrate percentages of these CSOs and implementation of these internal rules and procedures in reality.
Since 2011 the “Volontiram!” Network has been actively focused on the development of its own internal capacities and the reinforcement of its role regarding development and promotion of volunteering in BiH, as well as on the consolidation of cooperation with all relevant participants in BiH society.
According to the Socio-economic Perceptions of Young People in BiH published by UNDP BiH in 2017, the areas that respondents who did volunteer work most often list include charity work, humanitarian, and development assistance (27.7%), education and training (21.1%), and culture and arts (18.7%). Men are more likely than women to state that they volunteered in sports (10.4% - 2.2%) while respondents holding university degrees are more likely to state that they volunteered in the domain of education or training when compared to those who completed secondary education (34.3% vs. 13.1%).
In comparison with respondents from EU, young people from BiH are more likely to state that they volunteered in culture and arts (18.7% vs. 15% in EU). On the other hand, young people from the EU are more likely to state that they volunteered in other areas. More significant differences are observed in the animal welfare (9% in EU vs. 1.8% in BiH), politics (8% EU vs. 1.8% BiH), and religion (12% EU vs. 0.6% BiH).