3. Employment & Entrepreneurship
This chapter deals with the areas of youth employment and entrepreneurship in BiH. Employment is one of the main priorities of young people in BiH, while the situation of young people in BiH can be monitored, among other things, through their treatment in employment, incorporation into the labour market and through the development of entrepreneurial skills.
Because of the complexity of BiH political and administrative system, these issues are addressed at the level of the state, both entities (FBiH, RS) and at the level of BD. The starting point of this chapter is the general context in which the conditions for employment and the development of entrepreneurship are (un)created, and which generate the level of (under)development of these two areas. Furthermore, it deals with administration, i.e., the institutional context, by specifying institutions and their competencies when it comes to employment and the development of entrepreneurship. Who guides and advises young people in the whole process and how the apprenticeship system works in BiH are also some of the issues discussed in this chapter.
In what way, and whether the integration of young people into the BiH labour market is being worked on, was considered through statistical data on the state of (un)employment of young people in BiH and laws at the already mentioned decision-making levels, including cross-border mobility programs where it is promoted, and which have the goal of employment and development of youth entrepreneurship.
In addition to employment, this chapter also includes a part that specifically deals with the issue of youth entrepreneurship through the laws that regulate it, as well as its integration into formal and informal education. All of this is followed by issues of obtaining financial support from competent institutions for the development of entrepreneurial ideas, and the systems and channels through which young people can be informed about public calls and activities to promote entrepreneurial culture in BiH.
The last part highlights current debates on reforms that should be undertaken and/or have been undertaken to improve the position of young people in the labour market and the necessary entrepreneurial competencies.