8.10 Current debates and reforms
The Strategy of Slovak Republic for youth for the years 2021-2028 is currently being prepared and should reflect the importance of culture and creativity in the lives of young people.
The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic proposes to introduce several measures aimed at increasing the efficiency and economy of cultural expenditures: to improve the functioning of the Cultural Vouchers program (until 31 December 2022) (Culture Spending Review 2021-2025).
An analysis of the pandemic's impact on culture shows that the institutions and organizations that have managed to digitize have been able to keep in touch with their visitors.
The COVID-19 affected the cultural and creative sectors. The venue-based sectors (such as museums, performing arts, live music, festivals, cinema, etc.) are the hardest hit by social distancing measures. Artists across Europe are facing the consequences of canceled events.
Expected negative impacts on culture and creativity (in relation to youth):
According to OECD, the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic may be the loss of skills of those creative professionals who would have to abandon their creative activities and seek other jobs to make a living.
A possible reduction in public funding for cultural and creative sectors, which may affect the ability and willingness of young people to start bussinesses in this industry.
Expected positive impacts:
The co-operation between the cultural and the educational sector. For example, in Slovakia, non-profit organizations in the field of culture and creative industry can also contribute content to the EDUTV portal. EDUTV is a database of short video lessons for primary school students.
Innovations that have emerged to keep culture and the creative industry alive, can be beneficial and useful even after the pandemic.
Online cultural events allow cultural experiences to those members of society who cannot attend physical events. This is also a case for educational activities.