3. Employment & Entrepreneurship
In Slovakia, the overall unemployment rate is 6,6 % (September 2020), but the unemployment rate of young people younger than 25 years of age is nearly 20%. Yearly, more than 32 000 of young people leave the country in search for education and work abroad (3.1).
The Youth Guarantees Implementation Plan is the most complex strategy to strengthen youth employment in Slovakia. Close co-operation of employment, education and economy sectors is inevitable base for significant change in this field (3.2).
Projections of the labour market development are produced and relevant information is transferred to educational institutions under the management of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in the Slovak Republic (MLSAF) and the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport (MESRS). There were some important tools introduced to lower insufficient correlation between education and the labour market needs and between education and the labour market demand (National Occupation Framework, National Qualifications System) (3.3).
The MLSAF provides counselling services via its Labour Offices and the MESRS is focusing on career guidance within the network of schools. Non-profit sector and professional employment organizations are very active in career guidance and counselling, too (3.4).
System of Vocational Education and Training has gone through significant reconstruction since 2015 (3.5).
Development of entrepreneurial skills is covered by several projects in formal and non-formal education and learning (3.8). The Acceleration Programme of National Business Centre is one of the example how beginner entrepreneurs can get professional guidance and access to new technologies (3.9).