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2. Voluntary Activities

2.1 General context

Last update: 22 March 2024
On this page
  1. Historical developments
  2. Main concepts

Historical developments

During the communist regime, mandatory voluntary 'patriotic' work was organised for pupils in high schools and for students, mainly in agriculture for manual and non-qualified work. This context generated the rejection of volunteering during the 90s and early 2000. After 2000 the development of the sector was slow, and it remains in great proportion under documented (there is little or no research concerning this field). However, in the last decades, volunteering popularity increased constantly. According to the Youth Barometer commissioned by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2020, 52% of young people have been participating in volunteering activities, compared to only 13% in 2012. National level data, from the Youth Barometer 2022, show that 43% of young people declared that they participated in volunteering activities, showing a decrease of volunteering that can be linked with other effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Main concepts

IIn accordance with the Volunteering Law (Legea no. 78/2014 privind reglementarea activitatii de voluntariat în România), the voluntary activity represents the participation of a natural person to general interest activities for the use of other persons and for the general use of the society, without remuneration. The host organisation of a volunteer can only be a public institution, a NGO (non-profit organisation) or a social economy entity. Youth volunteering is not defined differently from the general volunteering activity.