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EACEA National Policies Platform


7. Health and Well-Being

Last update: 27 March 2024


The Ministry of Health is responsible for all preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative health services in Türkiye. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey is founded by the “Law on Ministry of Public Health and Welfare (Sıhhat ve İçtimaî Muavenet Vekâleti Kanunu)” in 1920. Health Policy in Turkey is basically divided into two periods: before and after 1961.  While in the period before 1961, “single-aim service in wide region” hence “vertical organisation” model was adopted, after 1961, the approach of multi-aimed service in narrow region with “horizontal organisation” model was adopted. While in the period before 1961, local administrations were encouraged to open hospitals, when it was 1982, the concept of health was taken under constitutional security in a wider sense. A centralized planning approach for health institutions has been decided up in the constitution in order to ensure equal, high quality and efficient provision of health services throughout the country.

When it came to 2003, the Government put the “Transformation in Health Program (Sağlıkta Dönüşüm Programı)” into action with the slogan “Health for all”. In this context, aimed at the sections with low-income, rights of the citizens with Green Card were extended and health services within the context of “outpatient treatment” and medication expenses were also started to be met by the state. The program was described as a turning point by the Government. The mission of the Strategic Plan 2024-2028 of the Ministry of Health is set forth as follows: "To protect the health and the right to  health of the individual and society at the highest level with a human-centered approach, to provide timely, appropriate and effective solutions to health problems with high service quality". The Strategic Plan includes 5 Objectives and 40 Targets.

There are three different measures for the health of young people included in the 12th Development Plan covering the period 2024-2028, which are also referred to in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health:

  • 3.3.7  Youth – 748.3 The number of professionals working with young people on addiction will be increased. 
  •  3.3.7 Youth – 748.4 The quality and quantity of social cohesion services will be increased, and services will be expanded by making the necessary legal arrangements to enable post-treatment recovery and follow-up services.
  • 3.3.7 Youth – 748.5 Academic studies will be supported to design evidence-based policies for combating behavioral addictions, and evidence-based measures will be taken into account in the design of protective and preventive policies and the shaping of treatment services.