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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

2.10 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 28 March 2024

Forthcoming policy developments

Within 12th Development Plan of the Republic of Türkiye (2024-2028), efforts regarding volunteering goals, particularly young volunteering initiatives are ongoing. In this context:

732.3. In order to contribute to the creation of a generation that builds its own future, participation of children in the activities related to climate change and sustainability will be provided. Awareness will be raised among children, families and teachers about volunteering activities and efforts will be made to strengthen children's communication with old people and people with disabilities and to support their intra-family and intergenerational communications.

746.11. Efforts will be made to raise awareness of young people about volunteering activities and increase their participation.

808.2. Awareness-raising activities will be conducted to develop a culture of volunteering among old people. 

839. Social awareness about disasters and emergencies will be increased and a volunteering system will be developed

839.2 "AFAD Volunteering System" will be developed and efforts will be made to enhance volunteering quality.

940.3. The curriculum of primary and secondary education will be developed to encourage civil society engagement, participation in NGOs and volunteering.

The process of issuing a framework legislation on volunteering continues under the coordination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Directorate of Civil Society Relations. The prospective volunteering law is expected to include description and scope of voluntary activities, the categorisation of voluntary organisations, voluntary rights, legal precautions against the abuse of volunteers.

Ongoing Debates

GönüllüyüzBİZ Platform is considered to be promoted among youngsters in a more efficient way. Besides, designs aimed at providing more educational and career opportunities to young volunteers are central to ongoing debates concerning youth volunteering.

In certain universities volunteering is taught as an independent lesson. Besides, inclusion of volunteering in the curriculum of secondary schools continues to be a topic of high interest.