6.2 Administration and governance
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Cross-sectorial cooperation
In preparation of the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan of the Ministry of National Education (Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı 2015–2019 Stratejik Planı), the Strategic Planning Guidance for Public Administrations published by the Ministry of Development is taken as basis. Works are carried out in coordination of the R&D units of the Strategy Development Presidency in the central organisation of the Ministry and of Provincial National Education Directorates in provinces. In this context, strategic plan teams are formed in province, district, school and institution directorates under the coordination of R&D units in provincial organisation, of Strategic Plan Coordination Team of the Ministry of National Education (MoE) and Strategic Plan Team of the Ministry of National Education by participation of unit representatives in the central organisation. By the Strategic Plan Circular numbered 2013/26, the MoE strategic plan coordination team formed to carry out strategic plan works of the Ministry is organised.
During strategic plan preparation period, 1.365 people working in R&D units of the provincial national education directorates are given education on strategic planning by the MoE Strategic Plan Coordination Team. The factors working in the R&D units that participated in the education and received certificates train strategic plan teams of the district, school and institutions directorates. In order to receive contribution of the internal and external partners, partner questionnaire is applied and opinions of totally 69.901 people are assessed. Within the scope of partner research, opinions of non-governmental organisations, universities, education faculties and related public institutions and organisations are obtained and important columnists who write articles on education and training are also sent the questionnaire and their opinions are also obtained. During the preparation process of the strategic plan, five workshops with wide participation are organised, in which group studies directed at determination of mission, vision, basic values, aims and targets, SWOT analysis in particular, are done and opinions and proposals of ministry’s central and provincial organisation units. Meeting are held in participation of unit and department heads of the ministry’s central organisation and units’ future visions for the five-year plan process are taken. Studies are presented to the MoE Strategic Plan Higher Board that periodically met under the chairmanship of the Minister of the National education. In line with the decision made in these meetings, necessary changes and regulations are done. The final version of the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan of the MoE (MEB 2015–2019 Stratejik Planı) is approved by the Strategic Plan Higher Board and entered into force.
The duties and powers of the Ministry of National Education are specified in the Presidential Decree No.1 regarding the Presidential Organisation, published in the Official Gazette on 10/7/2018 with the numner 30474, amending the Basic Law of the National Education numbered 1739. In the Presidential Decree No.1 regarding the Presidential Organisation, the duties and authorities of the Ministry of National Education ar as follows:
1. To design, implement, update education and training programs that develop students at pre-school, primary and secondary education physically, mentally, morally, spiritually, socially ad culturally and equip them with knowledge and skill required by the social structure based on human rights and economical system having the power to compete in the global level, and prepare them to the future; to carry out and supervise education and training services of teachers and students in this framework,
2. To set, implement national policies and strategies for each level of education and training, to monitor and supervise their implementation, to update and develop them according to emerging new service models.
3. To design and develop the education system in the light of up to date techniques and models in harmony with the needs of the dynamic, economical and social development that is open to innovations.
4. To develop, implement policies and strategies that facilitate access to education, secure all citizens to enjoy education opportunities and potentials equally, to monitor and coordinate their implementation,
5. To develop, implement policies and strategies that extend participation of girl students, disabled and other section of the society requiring special attention, to coordinate implementation thereof,
6. To design, implement special education and training programs that protect and improve the special qualification of the gifted people, to coordinate implementation thereof,
7. To open education and training institutions other than the higher education, permit them to be opened and supervise them,
8. To carry out works on the needs and problems of the Turkish nationals working or residing abroad in educational field in cooperation with the relevant institutions and organisations,
9. To determine accreditation degree of formal and non-formal education and training institutions opened by institutions and organisations other than the higher education, to prepare programs and regulations,
10. To fulfill duties and responsibilities assigned to he Ministry by the Higher Education Law (Yükseköğretim Kanunu) no. 2547 dated 04/11/1981 in order to ensure performance of the higher education within the integrity of national education policy.
11)To cultivate constructive, creative, and productive individuals with a balanced and healthy development in terms of body, mind and morality, spirit and emotion, possessing free and scientific thinking abilities, a broad worldview, respect for human rights, valuing personality and entrepreneurship, having a sense of responsibility towards society.
12)To perform other duties given by Laws and Presidential Decrees.
The Ministry of National Education places great importance on obtaining the opinions of those benefiting from its products and services, as well as engaging with stakeholders due to the participatory nature of its planning approach. Gathering the views and suggestions of stakeholders is crucial for developing sustainable policies that address the needs and expectations of those benefiting from the products and services. It is also vital for stakeholders to take ownership of activities and projects outlined in the strategic plan. In order to ensure participation and reach a wide audience in situation analysis studies, stakeholders have been identified by analyzing the organizational structure, relevant legislation and areas of activity of the Ministry of National Education. Using the impact/significance matrix, stakeholder prioritization has been conducted and the final list of the stakeholders has been created. A "Stakeholder Survey" has been developed to determine the relevance of identified stakeholders to the products and services of the administration, understand their expectations from the administration, and assess how these stakeholders influence and are influenced by the administration's products and services. The survey includes questions aimed at assessing the recognition of the administration, satisfaction levels towards the administration, and identifying areas associated with and requiring priority. The stakeholder survey has been administered to school, institution, district, province and central organization employees, as well as students, parents, and public institutions. The survey, presented to the public, has been answered by approximately 60,000 stakeholders within a short period. Detailed information regarding the analysis results can be found in the Stakeholder Analysis Report and the Situation Analysis Report.
Basic High Policy Documents
1. Acquis and Progress Reports
2. 12. Development Plan (Kalkınma Planı)
3. Medium Term Program
4. The Presidential 100-Day Action Plan
5. The 2023 Presidential Annual Program
7. National Education Council Resolution
8. National Education Quality Framework (Millî Eğitim Kalite Çerçevesi)