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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

4.1 General context

Last update: 28 March 2024
On this page
  1. Main challenges to social inclusion
  2. Definitions and concepts

Main challenges to social inclusion

It is possible that some challenges are encountered while making and realising policies in relation to social inclusion. Some of these challenges can be listed as;

  • Variability on the level of fundamental determinants among institutions that produce policies and services for groups that require special policies,
  • Economic barriers to the development of efficient struggling methods against social exclusion (immigrants, disadvantaged segments, etc.).


Definitions and concepts

In the “Disadvantaged Young People and Social Inclusion” main political area of the National Youth and Sports Document (Ulusal Gençlik ve Spor Politikası Belgesi); “Social exclusion means individual’s being in a moral and material deficiency which makes him/her alienated from social life and becoming distanced from the institutions and social support which protect her/his rights and life.” In the same text, social inclusion is addressed as a concept which states the process of participation into the social life as a result of the integration of the individual into the society by decreasing or removing his/her disadvantages.

The Ministry of Family and Social Services defines social exclusion in its book named “Basic Concepts in Social Inclusion” as "the inability of certain individuals or groups to benefit from the results of economic growth, to be deprived of educational, economic, social, cultural, societal and political opportunities and not to be covered by social protection." In the same book, social inclusion is also conceptualized as "thought structures, activities and policies aiming to eliminate discriminatory lines between individuals and society and enhance social solidarity.”