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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.7 Cross-border mobility in employment, entrepreneurship and vocational opportunities

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Programmes and schemes for cross-border mobility
  2. Legal framework

Programmes and schemes for cross-border mobility

Within the support of cross-border entrepreneurship the commencing Slovak entrepreneurs can use the following state programmes, schemes and supporting institutions, which are defrayable (refundable) from the public sources.

Cross-border cooperation programmes

Cross-border cooperation programmes (Programy cezhraničnej spolupráce) are focused on intensifying of cooperation between the Slovak Republic and the surrounding neighbouring EU-countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Austria). Within the particular programmes they generally tackle the area of transfer of innovations or labour-force (work-force) mobility. Entrepreneurs are welcome to get involved in the current calls within relevant areas.

The Visegrad fund  aims to promote closer cooperation between the V4 countries through joint cultural, scientific and educational projects, youth exchanges, cross-border cooperation and tourism promotion.

Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (Slovenská agentúra pre rozvoj investícií a obchodu – SARIO ) aims to contribute to the increase of influx of foreign investors and simultaneously support Slovak companies and firms that are oriented to the global world market. Entrepreneurs can use mainly following services:

  • intermediation of specific supply of Slovak products towards international markets,
  • intermediation of foreign demands in the domestic entrepreneurial environment (by means of the service aimed at searching of the foreign partners for Slovak companies and firms – Business Partner Search Profile.
  • ensuring of the presentation for Slovak companies and firms at both - Slovak and foreign trade-fairs and exhibitions - with a view to actively promote Slovak entrepreneurial environment (for instance by organising of several events within SARIO Business LINK, which take place during significant Slovak trade-fairs),
  • organising and accompanying of entrepreneurial missions abroad and in the Slovak Republic,
  • provision of the consulting and educational service Export Slovensko focused on support of Slovak products export (for instance it gathers complex information on the state support of export in the Slovak Republic including information on projects, news and events from twelve state institutions supporting export),
  • creation of attractive territorial and sector-oriented projects aimed at fostering of economic cooperation and development of co-operative activities,
  • exchange of information and co-operation with partner foreign organisations,
  • concentration of information on foreign markets, international tenders and other attractive events abroad.

Slovak Business Agency (SBA)

  • In the field of cross-border cooperation the SBA provides advisory services, which can be used by those interested in entrepreneurship abroad, and perhaps even by the subjects already operating at the foreign market. Some of the questions, which have already been solved successfully by entrepreneurs, are publicised on this organisation’s web-site, so they are accessible to all visitors. SBA is concurrently a part of the European Enterprise Network, within which it ensures access to databases for entrepreneurs:
  • Database for partnership offers (for search of innovative technologies and partners for cooperation across the entire Europe – it contains more than 15 000 trade and technological profiles from more than 50 countries).
  • In addition to the activities of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) SBA also calso carries out pilot projects to open the themes of the initiative Small Business Act some of which are aimed at promotion of internationalization of SMEs.

European Exchange Programme for Entrepreneurs

It is a European cross-border exchange programme for entrepreneurs providing commencing entrepreneurs with an opportunity to learn something from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other participating countries. The exchange of experience takes place during the stay of a commencing entrepreneur in the experienced entrepreneur’s place, where they help the commencing entrepreneur acquire skills needed for running a small firm/business. The stay is partly co-financed from the EU-sources.

The European Solidarity Corps programme (Európsky zbor solidarity)  administered by IUVENTA - Slovak Youth Institute, creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work on projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe (including activities in the field of entrepreneurship).

The National Scholarship programme of the Slovak Republic is funded by Slovak Academic Information Agency.  The program supports study/research/teaching/artistic mobility of international students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists at higher education institutions and research organisations. It supports two-way mobility - international scholarship holders to Slovakia, as well as Slovak scholarship holders abroad.

Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry SCCI (Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora - SOPK)

SCCI implements a broad portfolio of activities, within which it focuses also on advisory and consulting services for entrepreneurs, who operate or are interested to operate at the foreign market. They provide mostly legal counselling in the field of support and protection of business/enterprises and counselling in international commerce, customs and technical regulations. Services provided by SCCI are available also through a network of regional chambers (SCCI). In conclusion, it should be said that the support within the SCCI is focused rather on larger companies.

Legal framework

In Slovakia, there is no specific legislation that regulates either the stay of foreign young workers, apprentices, interns and young entrepreneurs or the departure of Slovak young workers, apprentices, interns and young entrepreneurs abroad (specific insurance, levies, work permit, taxes…).