10.7 Raising awareness about youth work
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Information providers
The main provider of information about programmes related to youth work is the Youth Institute ( Instituto de la Juventud), as mentioned in the sub-chapter 6.9. All the information related to programmes and courses related to the youth can be found on the webpage of this institution.
The Youth Institute leads the Network of Youth Information Centers (Red de Centros de Información Juvenil) and its webpage search engine has useful information about these matters.
The main sources of information at the regional level are the webpages of the regional youth institutes or the general directorates, for those autonomous regions without specific institutions devoted to the youth:
- The Andalusian Youth Institute (Instituto de Juventud Andaluz). The Aragonese Youth Institute (Instituto de Juventud de Aragón). The Asturian Youth Institute (Instituto Asturiano de la Juventud). The Balearic Youth Institute (Instituto Balear de la Juventud).
- The Youth General Directorate of the Canary Islands (Dirección General de Juventud de Canarias).
- The Youth General Directorate of Cantabria (Dirección General de Juventud de Cantabria).
- The Directorate General of Youth and Sport of Castilla La Mancha (Dirección General de Juventud y Deporte de Castilla la Mancha).
- The Youth Institute of Castilla y León (Instituto de la Juventud Castilla y León). The Catalan Agency for the Youth (Agencia Catalana de la Juventud).
- The Youth House of Ceuta (La Casa de la Juventud de Ceuta).
- The Youth Institute of Extremadura (Instituto de Juventud de Extremadura).
- The Directorate General of Youth, Participation and Voluntary Work of Galicia (Dirección General de Juventud, Participación y Voluntariado de Galicia).
- The Youth Institute of La Rioja (Instituto Riojano de la Juventud).
- The Directorate General of Youth of Murcia (Dirección General de Juventud de Murcia). The Navarrese Youth Institute (Instituto Navarro de la Juventud).
- The Valencian Youth Institute (Institut Valencià de la Joventut).
Key initiatives
The promotion of youth work is one of the main responsibilities of the Youth Institute. It is a body responsible for raising awareness on the importance of youth work for the youth and for their families. The Youth Institute’s press department helps in achieving this goal.