2.3 National Strategy on Youth Volunteering
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Existence of a National Strategy
There is no national strategy exclusively on youth volunteering. However, the National Youth Strategy (2021-2030) (Национална стратегия за младежта (2022-2030)) addresses youth volunteering.
A Strategy for development of voluntary units for prevention or overcoming of natural disasters, fires and emergencies 2021-2030 (Стратегия за развитие на доброволните формирования за предотвратяване или овладяване на бедствия, пожари и други извънредни ситуации в периода 2021-2030) is adopted by the government, which defines the strategic objectives in this field of volunteering of all people, including youth.
Scope and contents
The National Youth Strategy (2021-2030) takes into account the importance of volunteering for young people.
Strategic objective 3.1 Increasing the level of civic engagement of young people, provides for the following measures/ actions:
- Support and promotion of volunteering and regulation of voluntary activities;
- Engaging unorganized young people in various forms of civic participation, volunteering and youth activities.
Strategic objective 6.4 Achieving conscious change in young people’s mindset and behaviour in terms of environment protection, provides for the following measures/ actions:
- Encouragement and support of youth voluntary initiatives in the field of environment protection and formation of sustainable environmental culture and behaviour.
The results expected from the implementation of the Strategy, in particular in terms of “youth volunteering”, are as follows:
- Increased number of young people involved in voluntary initiatives and youth organisations;
- Increased activity of young people, including in terms of participation in voluntary activities.
The Strategy for development of voluntary units for prevention or overcoming of natural disasters, fires and emergencies 2021-2030 provides for measures aimed at reaching the strategic objective for attracting the interest of adolescents in the work of the voluntary units.
Responsible authority
The Ministry of Youth and Sports, the local authorities and municipalities are in charge of the implementation of the National Youth Strategy (2021-2030).
The body in charge of the Strategy for development of voluntary units for prevention or overcoming of natural disasters, fires and emergencies 2021-2030 is the Ministry of Interior, Fire Safety and Civil Protection Directorate General.
The implementation period of the National Youth Strategy (2021-2030) and the Strategy for development of voluntary units for prevention or overcoming of natural disasters, fires and emergencies 2021-2030 has started in 2021, and no major revisions and/or updates have been made so far.