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2. Voluntary Activities

2.3 National strategy on youth volunteering

Last update: 11 March 2025

Existence of a National Strategy 

Slovakia does not have a dedicated national strategy exclusively focused on youth volunteering. However, volunteering is integrated into broader strategic documents that encompass youth engagement and participation. The primary strategic documents relevant to youth volunteering include:

  • Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Youth (2021-2028): This framework includes objectives to foster civic participation, including volunteering, as part of broader youth engagement policies.
  • Concept for the Development of Civil Society in Slovakia for 2022–2030 (Koncepcia rozvoja občianskej spoločnosti na Slovensku na roky 2022 – 2030): This document includes specific measures to promote volunteering, particularly focusing on fostering education and management capacities in the field of volunteering.

Scope and Contents

The Concept for the Development of Civil Society (2022–2030) outlines key objectives for youth volunteering, focusing on the following measures:

  • Education and Awareness: Promote education and awareness of volunteering in all levels of education through the "Concept of Education and Training for Volunteering."
  • Capacity Building: Enhance management skills for volunteer coordinators and support quality standards in volunteer management.
  • Inclusive Volunteering: Encourage inclusive volunteering opportunities to engage marginalized youth groups and ensure equitable participation.

Specific target groups identified include youth aged 15-30, with an emphasis on engaging those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Responsible Authority

The main governmental bodies responsible for the implementation and monitoring of strategies that include youth volunteering are:

  • Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic: Responsible for strategic youth policy, including volunteering programs and initiatives.
  • Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic: Oversees the development of civil society and legal frameworks concerning volunteering.
  • Platform of Volunteer Centres and Organisations: Acts as a significant non-governmental partner in promoting, advocating, and implementing volunteering strategies. 

Monitoring processes involve regular reporting and evaluations, coordinated by these key authorities to ensure progress toward strategic goals. These strategies are integrated into broader national policies supporting youth development and civil society engagement.


While there has not been a dedicated national strategy specifically on youth volunteering, significant updates have been made within the broader strategies:

  • 2022: Introduction of the updated Concept for the Development of Civil Society (2022–2030), which introduced measures focusing on volunteer education and management.
  • 2023: The amendment to Act No. 406/2011 on Volunteering introduced an accreditation process for volunteer activities and emphasized quality standards in volunteer management.

The Programme on Support of Volunteering and Volunteering Centres has been created under the auspices of the Governmental Plenipotentiary for the Development of Civil Society (Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic). The Plenipotentiary bears an advisory role for the Slovak Government. It has not been stated in the Programme who bears responsibility for its implementation, coordination, and monitoring.