5.3 Youth representation bodies
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Youth parliament
Youth parliament does exist in the country but every structure is responsible for its own developing. There is nothing universal on national level.-There is no legal framework establishing the youth parliament and no national legally synchronized national rules for the composition, their role or their funding. The existing Youth Parliaments in the country differ in their structure, rules and funding on local level.
Youth councils and/or youth advisory boards
National Public Council for youth issues to the Minister of Youth and Sports, Обществен Съвет по въпросите на младежта as its functions include as follows:
To discuss and make proposals under draft enactments of the Minister of Youth and Sports upon determination of policies and the policies implemented by him/her;
2. To discuss and make proposals under projects of strategic and program documents, as well as plans, statements and reports regarding the implementation of the youth policy in the country;
3. To propose specific initiatives in the field of the policy for young people in the country;
4. To consult the execution of the actions undertaken by the Minister of Youth and Sports, as well as to discuss the achieved results and to propose measures for the optimization of the realized actions.
5. To make recommendations to the Minister of Youth and Sports upon settlement of issues connected with specific problems in the field of the youth;
6. To coordinate the interaction between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and representatives of the non-government sector upon the development and application of youth policies.
The Council consists of representatives of organizations registered under ЗАКОН ЗА ЮРИДИЧЕСКИТЕ ЛИЦА С НЕСТОПАНСКА ЦЕЛ the Non-profit Legal Entities Act for the execution of a public benefit activity and aimed at the execution of youth activities.
Each organization that corresponds to the conditions and wishes to become a member of the Public Council should send its nomination letter to the Minister of Youth and Sports.
Higher education student union(s)
National Representation of Student Councils (NRSC) is the biggest union of student youth with a purpose to be a representative functionality of all over 235 thousand students studying in the country. The main priorities of the founders upon the formation of this large-scale forum are the common grounds for common ideologies upon the formation of national student and youth policies.