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6. Education and Training

6.2 Administration and governance

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Cross-sectorial cooperation
  2. Governance

Cross-sectorial cooperation

The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport is the co-ordinator of creation and implementation of policies towards young people.

Inter-ministerial working group for state policy in the field of youth serves as a platform for coordination of youth policies. (1.5)

Committee for Children and Youth is another mechanism of cross-sectorial cooperation, but it is coordinated by MLSAF. 

Representatives of MESRS act as members of different working groups in relation to policies in the field of culture, health and others.  


Governance of education and training system in Slovakia is managed at the state and self-government level (local and regional).

1. National level

Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (MESRS) is responsible for creation and implementation of the state policy for:

  • kindergartens,
  • elementary schools,
  • secondary schools,
  • universities and institutions for higher education,
  • school facilities,
  • life-long learning,
  • science and technology,
  • state care for youth and sport.

The Inspectorate of Education of the Slovak Republic fulfils the function of the state control.

Institutions of the MESRS, responsible for individual areas of state policy in the field of education:

  • State Institute for Vocational Training (Štátny inštitút odborného vzdelávania - ŠIOV): management of secondary vocational schools, creation of educational projects, provision of professional and pedagogical and educational activities and others.

  • National Institute for Life-long Learning (Národný ústav celoživotného vzdelávania - NÚCŽV): monitoring and forecasting of training needs, the creation of tools, networks of advisory services and a network for the recognition of further education and others.

  • Institution for Teachers´ Education and Training (Metodicko-pedagogické centrum - MPC): methodological activities and further education of pedagogues and professional staff.

  • National Institute for Education (Štátny pedagogický inštitút - ŠPÚ): development of curricula, provide the methodological and professional service for schools, promote innovative practices into the education system.

  • IUVENTA – Slovak Youth Institute (IUVENTA - Slovenský inštitút mládeže): youth work outside of formal education system and a family and youth policies.

  • National Institute for Certified Educational Measurements (Národný ústav certifikovaných meraní vzdelávania - NÚCEM): content and organisation of secondary school graduation, implementation of certified educational measurements at national level, preparation of international measurements in accordance with programmes where the Slovak Republic participates and others.

  • The list of the other institutions of MESRS.

Other important stakeholders are also involved in making of the education policy:

- legitimate representatives of various expert and professional groups are members of working groups and advisory structures:

2. Regional and local level

Municipalities have the competence to set up and cancel schools and schools facilities(Act on State Administration in Education and School Self-government):

  • elementary schools
  • elementary art schools,
  • kindergartens,
  • school clubs for children,
  • youth centres/centres of leisure time activities,
  • school canteens,
  • language schools as a part of elementary schools,
  • centres for school services,
  • school dormitories.

The Offices of Self-governing Regions have the competence to set up and cancel

  • secondary schools,
  • elementary art schools,
  • language schools except those at elementary schools,
  • school dormitories,
  • school canteens,
  • centres for school services,
  • schools in nature,
  • youth centers/centres of leisure time activities with the territorial jurisdiction of the self-governing region

​Self-governance at the school level is managed by:

  • Council of the school or council of the school facility - initiative and advisory bodies to promote the interests of pupils, parents, teachers and others.
  • Municipality school council – in municipalities where there are at least three school districts
  • Territorial school council – at the level of self-governing region.
  • Student school council  - authority to represent pupils and their interests in relation to school management.